Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oct. 30th Happy Hour-Posted by John Lerch (as if you couldn't tell)

The Lerch household finally has high speed internet. If W hadn't stole the 2000 election
(& I mean stole no doubt) we would have had high speed long ago. Everybody knows Al Gore invented the invented the internet. I wonder if McCain's advisers are working on a plan (flim flam) so JM and his trophy VP can take control in January. It may be tougher this time because hanging chads has already been used(abused). I have no allegiance to either pack of wolves but both sides need to be represented on this blog. I challenge the dictator to post this unedited.
Joe Six Pack
(alias Joe The Plumber)
How about a happy hour around the 55 & 270 area (not Hot Shots)

Editor's note: The editor reserves the right to edit and alter all posts, especially those that don't agree with the official opinion of this blog. But I'll let this one slide.


Anonymous said...

Is there any good bars in the south county area & beyond? NOT! If we must keep to that area how about Tuckers, they have a nice bar area. If not somebody suggest someplace.

Anonymous said...

Gosh John,(I mean Joe) did you really believe that Al Gore invented the internet? Did he say that in one of his documentaries? Actually, the internet was invented by the US Army in WW2, but 14 years ago or so a couple of college kids developed the HTML language, then the search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. made it more user friendly and very rapidly the internet became easy for everyone to use. At least that was my understanding.


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