Monday, March 30, 2009

Finally, Universal Healthcare! ...For Your Car.

President Obama fires the CEO of GM, and assures buyers that their car warranties will now be honored by the U.S. government. This after limiting how much money bank CEOs can make, and demonizing workers for accepting perfectly legal contracts that included bonuses, contracts that were allowed for in the legislation Congress passed and the President signed. And, from California, a move to ban the sale of black cars because they use more air conditioning and subsequently burn more fuel. Remember when they called George Bush a dictator?

We now have an administration lecturing companies on how to run their businesses profitably, while they add $9 trillion in debt to the country. This is something akin to taking lessons in seamanship from the captain of the Titanic. We're supposed to believe that these people know best?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friendly's Happy Hour Coupon-Posted by John Lerch

The Lerch's will be unable to attend the March happy hour. This is regrettable since we haven't seen many of you since last year. If anyone wants to log on to you can purchase a $25 gift certificate for Friendly's at the bargain price of $12.50. It is on the St.Lous half off attachment.
Congratulations to Linda Greer on her new job. Hope to see you all in April.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Marilyn!

A belated happy birthday to one of our own "Girls of Happy Hour", Marilyn Beck. Now if I only had that baby picture to post...Also, I would like to compose a list of birthdays in order to post them as they come up. E-mail your birthdays to me, or enter them in the "comments" below. Even better if you have a baby picture or at least a childhood picture to send me so I can post them as the birthdays come.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pink Galleon

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