Monday, November 3, 2008

Official Endorsement of the Blog-John McCain for President

I’ll admit John McCain doesn’t exactly quicken the pulse of conservatives. You could go quite a few names down my list of preferences for the Republican nomination before you got to Senator McCain. For those who say that a McCain presidency would be essentially a 3rd Bush term, I say it would probably more resemble a 1st Hillary term. And in any battle of charisma, McCain loses badly to Barack Obama. To me however, this election comes down to one’s philosophy of government’s role in our lives. The Obama philosophy is clearly one of bigger government, with more control over our lives, and higher taxes. It’s a philosophy of "sharing the wealth", as Sen. Obama puts it. This is socialism light, and it has never worked when practiced.
Obama promises only to raise taxes on the "wealthy", but how exactly does taking money out of someone else’s pocket help you? He neglects to point out that the top 1% of wage earners in this country already pay 39% of federal income taxes, a number that has actually gone up during the Bush administration, and the top 25% pay 86% of the taxes (also an increase under Bush). Forty percent of lower income Americans pay no federal income tax at all. So, you can make the case that the tax code is unfair, but unfair to whom? Also, when Obama talks of raising taxes on "greedy" corporations, does he think this will occur in a vacuum? Hmmm, I wonder what these companies will do when their costs go up...gee, I don’t know, maybe raise prices??? So, ultimately, you and I will pay these higher taxes.

The truth is, tax cuts work. Every time taxes have been lowered, revenues to the government go up. Why? Because when people have more money in their pockets they spend it, invest it, and capital flows into the private sector where it belongs. Why can't Democrats understand this? During the Reagan administration, when taxes were cut drastically, revenues to the government actually doubled in 8 years. The media (and Democrats) blamed higher deficits on these tax cuts, ignoring the fact that spending tripled during this time. And for those of you bemoaning the state of the economy today, remember the late 70’s, the last time a Democrat (Jimmy Carter) was in the White House and Democrats controlled both house of Congress? Interest rates, inflation and unemployment were higher, much higher, than they are even in today's economy.

In these troubled economic times, it is tempting to turn everything over to the government, but it is the equivalent of giving candy to a baby. They will love you for it, they will gladly take it, and as much of it as you will give, but ultimately, you are ruining their health.

On foreign policy, Sen. Obama seems more concerned that other countries "like" us, rather than respect us. And, of course, history is replete with appeasers that were more concerned with keeping the peace rather than confronting threats. In the end, they usually end up with the very thing they are trying to avoid. Liberals who disagree with the Bush foreign policy ignore one important fact: we have not been struck again since September 11, 2001. No amount of "dialogue" or "understanding why they hate us" will stop zealots bent on destroying our way of life. Osama bin Laden himself admitted he was emboldened to strike America after we turned tail in Mogidishu because the Clinton Administration didn't want us to appear as bullies to the rest of world. Bin laden was convinced if he struck as at home, we would leave the Middle East, and under some leaders, we might have.

I understand why people like Barack Obama. He seems like a decent man, and I believe he does want what he thinks is best for this country. I fully expect him to be our next President. If he wins, I wish him all the success in the world. But as I stated above, this is about philosphical differences in government's role. Government cannot, and should not, provide our jobs, our housing, our income. Liberals want to furnish you with just enough to get by, but never enough to succeed, and if you put your trust in them, you will only be as successful as they want you to be.

There are some disturbing similarities between the America of the early 1930's and now. Major economic turmoil had us questioning capitalism's viability. Socialism was gaining acceptance with respected leaders. Tyrants, facists and communists were gaining stature around the world, and were being praised by people in this country. And of course, this uneasiness led to the election of Franklin Roosevelt, and the huge growth of government entitlements. Contrary to popular belief, however, the economy actually got worse under the New Deal. Only World War II pulled us out of the Great Depression. The difference is that now, we have the failures of socialism, the New Deal, the Great Society, and every other misguided attempt at social engineering in the rear view mirror. The amazing thing is, leaders, and the people who will vote for them, want to try it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I whole heartily agree. Very well said.

Tina O.

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