Sunday, February 8, 2009


Most of my disagreements with President Bush were with his domestic policies, in particular his part in the staggering increase in government spending. The President and Congress through the last eight years spent not like drunken sailors, but like drunken Democrats. Well now, real drunken Democrats are in charge, determined to show us all how it's done. This a lesson to us all: Never, ever try to outspend a liberal (unless it concerns national security, in which case they can never find the money). President Obama grew especially testy this week when opposition was raised to his stimulus bill, declaring that the damage to the economy if it did not pass could be "irreversible". Pretty scary, huh? Then, there's this quote: "A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe." Apparently, Obama's inaugural declaration that "we have chosen hope over fear" had a shelf life of exactly 2 weeks, because if this isn't fear-mongering, nothing is. Ask yourself this: if it were really this easy for government to create jobs, would we ever have unemployment? Great column by Charles Krauthammer: here.

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